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OperaNow! #246: Amahl and His Pill-Popping Mom

NYCO Renaissance now front runner to lead NYCO...and puts on a Tosca in January...Montserrat Caballé avoids jail time on tax evasion verdict...Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker shows his "opera" pipes...Fred Plotkin, man about the world announce this year's "Freddies" for operatic achievement.

Poverty, kleptomania,  and child abuse - A very Menotti Christmas, THIS WEEK in Oliver's Corner.

Guess Who Died?

This week features Michael, The OC and Doug Dodson.

Reader Comments (1)

After hearing references to Matthan Black's podcast on Opera Now, I listened to the podcast where Oliver was the guest. I was pleasantly shocked to find out how musically intelligent and interesting Oliver is. He seems to be hiding some of these more intellectual aspects of his personality on the Opera Now podcast. Please....nerd it up on Opera Now Oliver. Some of the listeners will love it.
I was also interested in hearing the Messiah excerpts that were salted into the podcast. I did not hear any mention of the artists performing. It was ironic that Oliver's Corner was discussing Amahl and there were comments about potentially casting an adult soprano instead of a boy soprano, because of the poor singing of some boy sopranos; meanwhile we had just heard Messiah arias sung by countertenors (I think) which was a perfect example of mis-casting, as the singing was awful. Or would better countertenors have made the arias more acceptable, just like Michael's comment that a better boy soprano would dispel any necessity to consider an adult soprano?

January 17, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterbobo

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