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Cabbages and Tomatoes

Our latest episode, Episode 8 - Cabbages and Tomatoes, is up and ready for your listening quasi-pleasure. In it, we look at Roberto Alagna and his crazy antics.

I'd like to thank our new member, Greg Peebles, for joining us. He runs a blog that is a great resource for information, entertainment and general's called Counter/Point 3.0...check it out.

Also, regular panelist Oliver Camacho has a performance coming up in late January featuring his new endeavor, The Opera Company (what a novel name!), that will take at place at the Chicago Cultural Center. We'll give you more information as it comes in.

I'd also like to apologize for the hacking that went on (on my part) during the course of the show. I was under the weather, but couldn't resist going on with the show.

And now one final nail in the Alagna coffin...This is a picture from what appears to be the recent Aida production that so many have heard of (though it must be from the opening night since he left the stage on the (in?)famous night long before this scene would have happened) he in black face, or is she just blocking his light? Anyone??????? Bueller?

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